


kitchen 34

Sushi Roll (inside out)



See the detail of how to make Sushi Roll (Hosomaki), especially 1~6).

  1. Place the cling film on the sushi mattress. Roll under the mattress to fix.
  2. Place the halved nori rough side up on the sushi mattress. Moistened with vinegar in a small bowl and make a 100g rice ball.
  3. Hold the rice ball with your right hand, divide into 3 onto the nori pushing slightly with your left hand.
  4. Spread but not squash the rice evenly except beyond 1cm from the far edge. Moistened your finger with vinegar, if you need.
  5. Sprinkle with sesame seeds to make sesame roll.
  6. Hold the upper edge of nori and turn upside down.
  7. Place your favorite ingredients in the middle, slightly on your side, of the rice. Arrange the edge of the rice and bamboo mattress on the same line.
  8. Raise the edge of all including the bamboo…

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